
Fintech Revolution: How to Break Down Barriers for Financial Inclusion

Archway Finance Bridges the Gap in Fintech Revolution, Enabling Global Participation, Lower Transaction Costs, and Financial Inclusion.

The fintech revolution has brought about transformative changes in the financial industry, promising greater accessibility, convenience, and efficiency. Popular platforms include Wise (formerly Transferwise), Revolut and Paypal. However, for freelancers from developing countries, this revolution seems to have overlooked them, often restricting them or outright banning them from using the platforms. 

The implication of limited access to digital infrastructure, such as internet connectivity and reliable banking services and payment platforms for freelancers means a huge barrier to participate in the global marketplace and global payment platforms. This limitation prevents freelancers from accepting payments from higher paying international clients, severely hindering their growth potential.

Not just that, freelancers from developing countries often encounter higher transaction costs and currency conversion challenges. International wire transfers can be costly and time-consuming. Additionally, high currency conversion fees eat into their hard-earned income, further exacerbating the financial disparities they face versus developed countries.

Recognizing the challenges faced by freelancers from developing countries, Archway Finance is dedicated to bridging the gap and promoting financial inclusion. We offer a solution for freelancers to receive cross-border payments without restrictions, save on currency conversion fees, and access a global clientele. 

The new fintech revolution has the potential to transform the lives of freelancers worldwide, but its benefits must extend to freelancers from developing countries as well. Archway Finance stands at the forefront of this mission, leveraging blockchain solutions to ensure that freelancers from developing countries are not left behind. Through our commitment to financial inclusion, Archway Finance is reshaping the landscape, enabling freelancers to fully participate in the global economy to create a more equitable future for all.

To learn more about Archway Finance and how we are bridging the gap for freelancers from developing countries, please visit our website at

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