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Is Blockstream’s BMN2 the Future of Stable Crypto Investments?

Hashrate-backed tokens like Blockstream's BMN2 offer stable crypto returns, regulatory compliance, and potential for broader adoption in business finance.

Hashrate-backed tokens like Blockstream's BMN2 offer stable crypto returns, regulatory compliance, and potential for broader adoption in business finance.

I’ve been diving into the world of crypto lately, and let me tell you, it’s a wild ride. But one thing that always seems to elude me is stability. Enter hashrate-backed tokens, a concept I stumbled upon recently. These things might just be the answer to my prayers—or they might not be. Let’s break it down.

What Are Hashrate-Backed Tokens Anyway?

So here’s the deal: hashrate-backed tokens are essentially a way for investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin mining without having to deal with all that pesky hardware and electricity costs. You buy these tokens, which represent a share of mining power, and in theory, you get returns based on the Bitcoin that gets mined. Simple enough, right?

Blockstream Mining Note 2 (BMN2): The Details

Now, let’s talk specifics. Blockstream is rolling out something called the BMN2—a security token backed by their Bitcoin miner's hashrate. Each token costs about $31k and gives you a four-year claim on one petahash per second of their mining power. They’re even offering a sweet discount on the hashprice compared to what it is on the open market.

On paper, this sounds pretty good. Predictable returns? Check. Reduced volatility? Double check. And hey, no need for a PhD in engineering or an electrical bill that could bankrupt you.

The Good and The Bad

But hold your horses! Before I jump in with both feet, I gotta consider some things.


  1. Predictability: Unlike most crypto investments that make my head spin with their ups and downs, this model seems relatively stable.

  2. Accessibility: No need for fancy equipment or knowledge—just buy some tokens and chill.

  3. Regulatory Compliance: It’s apparently EU-compliant, which might mean less chance of getting rug-pulled.


  1. Market Risk: If Bitcoin tanks or if Blockstream somehow fails (though they seem solid), I could be in trouble.

  2. Regulatory Uncertainty: Just because it’s compliant now doesn’t mean it will be later; look at how fast regulations can change.

  3. Return Structure: Traditional asset-backed securities have been around long enough that we know how they work; this is still pretty experimental.

Final Thoughts

All in all, BMN2 seems like an interesting proposition for those looking to dip their toes into something more stable within this chaotic crypto ocean we find ourselves in.

But as with everything in crypto—and especially finance—I’m keeping my guard up and doing more research before making any moves.

Could this be the gateway for mainstream adoption of crypto payment solutions? Maybe! But I’ll need more than just one success story before I’m convinced.

Hashrate-backed tokens are certainly intriguing... but are they ready for prime time?