Maximize earnings with Payoneer. Learn how freelancers can efficiently manage international payments and streamline their business.
Getting paid internationally as a freelancer can be a real headache. But Payoneer is here to help smooth out the kinks. This platform is known for its ease of use and efficiency in handling cross-border transactions. But is it the best one out there? Let's break it down.
If you want to get paid, you’ll first have to open a Payoneer freelancer account. It’s not as complicated as it sounds. Just throw in some basic info, and you’ll be verified in about three business days. Once you’re in, you’re ready to start pulling in payments.
Payoneer has a few options up its sleeve when it comes to getting paid, and here’s how it works:
This is a smart feature that lets you receive funds from local bank transfers as if you had a local account. You can ask for a local receiving account in various countries, and Payoneer will give you the bank details to share with clients or marketplaces.
Not all clients will use local accounts. For those pesky clients being all international, you can use a SWIFT receiving account. This gets you access to payments from anywhere, which is quite handy.
This is a nice touch. You can send payment requests with a secure link. Clients can pay through all sorts of methods like credit cards, ACH bank debit, and more. After they pay, the funds will show up in your Payoneer account.
Here’s how you can send a payment request:
Payoneer keeps track of your payment requests, so you’ll know when the funds land in your account. You can then withdraw the cash to your bank account or access it with a Payoneer card. This process is about as simple as it can get.
Payoneer has some solid benefits:
Payoneer has a lot going for it, but it's not the only option. The fee structure and exchange rates are competitive, especially for those dealing with multiple currencies and international transactions. However, the right choice for you will depend on your specific business needs, like how often you transact and which currencies you deal with.
All in all, Payoneer is a solid option, but it's worth comparing with other platforms to see which one will help you maximize your earnings.